The drop-in event offers anyone, newbie or experienced, the chance to show up and play with clay with no commitments (other than cover charge). The event is so popular that reservations are filling up, often with private parties, according to Murray Hill Potter Works owner Geralyn Flick. Here is her own amusing promotion of the concept:
Enjoy the perfect opportunity –an evening at the wheel, with no commitment required! Sit at the wheel and play while teachers help you get a feel for clay and make your very own handmade bowl or whatever you can think of. Glazed in your choice of color, your finished piece available 3 weeks after class.
If you decide you want to enter a relationship and take a full-length class — great! If it’s not for you…well, you can just be friends.
Call 414-332-8828 or e-mail to reserve your spot today! $25
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