May 27, 2020

We're Open: East side staple Hooligan's soldiers on during pandemic

Hooligans restaurant and bar has been a mainstay on the corner of Farwell and North Avenue for the past 36 years.

Hooligans restaurant and bar has been a mainstay on the corner of Farwell and North Avenue for the past 36 years, and they've never experienced anything like this.

You can watch the video and read the full article from TMJ4 here

Hooligans restaurant and bar has been a mainstay on the corner of Farwell and North Avenue for the past 36 years, and they've never experienced anything like this. It's really taken a toll on owner Mark Buesing.

"It's hard, it's really hard to stay positive," he says. "I mean, when it first hit you go into a deep depression, drinking and just being stressed. And then just realizing that there are so many people that want to make sure you succeed and as the owner, I don't want to let my staff down."

Mark has been getting help from many different directions, including an old friend.
"I had a friend that reached out to me that I used to work with years back," Buesing says. "She was offering to come in cook for free, just to help get everything going. I'm like well I got people on staff that are willing to work that I can pay but she's like 'let me at least do the social media.' She has been doing a phenomenal job on four to five different things every day."